Preparing for lessons
Preparing for swimming lessons
Please do not worry if you are not water confident yourself. Explain to the teacher and they will be with you every step of the way. We will never force you to go under the water unless you are happy to.
Vaccinations – NHS guidelines say that your baby does not need vaccinations before they go into the pool so you can bring your baby along as soon as you are ready to. If your baby was premature, it is best to check with your doctor first.
Things to bring with you
Happy Nappy – this nappy ensures that there are no leaks into the swimming pool and goes over the top of a swim nappy. Happy Nappy Duo does not require a swim nappy underneath. It is essential that your baby wears one in the pool in case of any little accidents. Happy Nappies and Duo Nappies are available to purchase before your lesson from our office.
Disposable Swim Nappy – this is worn under the happy nappy if you do not have a duo nappy Happy Nappy Duo – no need for disposable nappy underneath
Towel – one for you and one for your baby/child
Nappy/Clothes to wear home
Swimming costume for you
Food/snacks for on the way home – please do not allow your child to have food in the changing rooms
Feeding Babies during lessons
There might be times when your baby becomes grizzly during their swimming lesson and it might be hungry. Our pools are very warm and so is the poolside, so you are welcome to feed your baby on poolside and return to the lesson when you can.
Arriving at the pool
We have 2 swimming pools on site. Our main pool which is the brown barn and the small pool which is located in the blue building next to the main pool. Our office is located to the right side of the pools. When you arrive at your pool, please remove shoes before you go into the changing rooms. There are shoe racks at the entrance for you to leave your shoes.
We recommend that you arrive 10/15 minutes prior to your lesson so that you have plenty of time to get changed and feel nice and relaxed before the start of your lesson. Parents/Carers and children should be ready to start their swimming lesson once the one before has finished. Please wait outside of the pool entrance and then go onto poolside once the pool has been vacated by the previous lesson. Please do not enter poolside if the teacher is not present.
During the lessons
Can I take photos during the lessons?
Due to safeguarding regulations, you are not permitted to take photos during the lessons. However, if you would like to take a photo of your baby at the pool, please check with the teacher so that you can take a photo when the lesson has finished and when other children are not in the shot too.
My child doesn’t like the noodle/mat
This can happen during the adult and child lessons and we understand that sometimes younger children take time to get used to using a noodle or sitting on the large mat. If this happens with your child, gently encourage them to continue. If you are using a toy at the same time, encourage the child to focus on the toy distracting them from the noodle. If they really don’t want to use it, put the noodle under your arm so that the child is not on the noodle and they can focus on the toy. Your child will get used to it but sometimes it might a little time and that is fine. Always talk to the teacher if you are concerned at all during the lessons.
My baby is coughing/spluttering after they have gone under the water?
This is completely normal when your baby is taken under the water and can happen sometimes. This happens when the child is trying to clear the water at the back of their throat so that it doesn’t go into their lungs. Try to stay nice and calm and cuddle baby to reassure them. Relaxed and clam parents/carers help to relax and calm baby.


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The Little Swim Club's Pool - Where Learning Takes a Dip